In Canada

This page will have pics of my Enfield (sometimes with me around) in various (hopefully not boring) places.

April 24, 2011
On the side of the road during a ride on the great Prospect Lake Road in Saanich, my 'Royal Frankenfield'. While my leaking silver gas tank issue is resolved, a loaner metallic green tank from Savage Cycles:

....and the next year when the old tanks were 'smartened up' and my tank back to normal.

Dec 30, 2010
Just a simple shot of the bike in front of the view from the Victoria coast, looking south towards the Olympic Mountains.  It just looks so good!

Dec. 03, 2010
The bike is pretty well back up to snuff.  The finish on the tank is not as smooth as the original glassy surface. Needs polish?
Anyway, the point of this entry is the addition (couple of weeks ago) of a couple of great add-ons to my bike.  From Clocks4Bikes (what excellent and friendly service) I bought a stem-mount clock and for the handlebars a thermometer.  One way of looking at this, is that after having spent almost 30 years in a statistics organization, I have a need for numeric reinforcement & measurement.  The thermometer - guilty, I just like to know the number.  As for the clock, it's hard to get to my watch while riding, so the illuminating (great soft blue colour) watch makes sense - but some say 'just glue an old watch on'.  And the fact is...these look just great on the bike and fit right in as well made and useful accessories for the bike.
You can get clocks and thermometers direct from Clock4Bikes or from the North American 'all things Enfield' source, Nfield Gear.

Nov. 7, 2010:
DAMN!  Two months old and I hurt my bike (and me too)!  Big lesson - don't get new progressive lens glasses and drive with impunity!  I bought new glasses with distance and reading progressive lenses, went to drive home and stopped for a coffee, tried to do a short u-turn to park the bike, and bam! I'm on the ground.  Turns out that the sides of these (and any progressives?) provide you with out of focus vision with no sense of depth, and when you try to 'read' where a curb blends in from a driveway is, it's, well, deceptive.  At no speed at all, hit the curb in the turn and went down on to the curb (my ribs, anyway), and foot under the bike.  The bike turned off and I turned gray - my gas tank was dented! Arghhhhhh!.  My handlebars had turned so hard when the bike went down that they hit the tank in two places and scraped it up as well.  Plus the back handle was bent in and the front fender was scraped.  That was on Oct 29, at around 1800 kms.  I've since had the bike repaired but a real piss-off that the repair cost as much as the new glasses.  Not happy (and neither are my ribs or my foot).
I think this made it very clear, at least for me, that progressives aren't the best thing to wear when on a bike - single visions from now on.  Even though the bike has been fixed, I also have the urge to get a brand new tank (spare) when I get to India this year - go to the Enfield factory in Chennai for a visit and see what it would be to get a new tank (and some other goodies as well...).

November, 2010
The bike at the pond at Cedar Hill Golf Course - looking for ducks.

September 2010
The first picture is of me in my driveway on my test drive of the bike from Savage Cycles.

The bike had about 400kms on it as a test bike - hopefully with a break-in by good riders (though an engine seal was replaced due to some leakage).  At this point (about 1500 kms, 24 Oct.) it all seems fine.  The bike did have to have the gas cap replaced (leaking on turns), which meant also all the locks on the bike, and the rear fender needed adjustment, but all covered by warranty - all taken care of quickly.